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Kenya: Help in the disaster

In Kenya, people are struggling with devastating floods. Hundreds have died; the survivors have often lost everything. They are left with nothing.

The roads turned into raging rivers in a very short space of time. Tens of thousands have lost their homes and more than 220,000 are in acute need. The floods have washed away their homes, left families homeless and destroyed their futures. When the water recedes at some point, the danger will not be over: The WHO is already sounding the alarm about the first cases of cholera. In addition, there is a threat of diseases such as dengue, malaria and Zika. Children and the elderly are particularly at risk if they drink the contaminated water.

“In the village of Giciiki alone, 35 families have become homeless, almost half of them are Kolping members,” reports Patrick Kioko, Managing Director of Kolping Kenya. “I am urgently asking for help for all these families. The families need a roof over their heads as well as food, medicine and clothing, including for the children.” “In the village of Giciiki alone, 35 families have become homeless, almost half of them are Kolping members,” reports Patrick Kioko, Managing Director of Kolping Kenya. “I am urgently asking for help for all these families. The families need a roof over their heads as well as food, medicine and clothing, including for the children.”

Please help with your donation to provide people with the most basic necessities. With € 30 you can support a family with a food parcel, five mosquito nets cost € 65 and € 120 help to rebuild the houses. 

Keyword: Kenya flood


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